I taught myself to Touch Type whilst doing honours in 1986.
I design, develop and maintain Orbital Decisions' text Web site. I designed the layout for Orbital Decisions' graphics site.
I enjoy what I do. I enjoy South Africa.
I'm good at what I do because of three strengths: 1) I ask lots of questions; 2) I check my work; 3) I found my vocation.
I do the jobs of about 8 (full time) people: Chairman, CEO, Project Manager, Systems Analyst, Programmer, Administration Manager, Book-keeper, Librarian. I work about 170 to 230 hours per month.
I did a part-time MBA in January 1991 to December 1992 at Cranfield University near Milton Keynes, north of London, UK. I did it so that I could communicate quickly with clients in their language. I learnt how to do this. I met a lot of very interesting people and had a lot of fun. It was hard work, but well worth it.
First Team Cross-Country at Westerford High School.
David's Winter Solstice Birthday Bash held on 21st June 1997 (12 course meal):
1) Sherry; 2) Carpaccio; 3) Asparagus; 4) Minestrone; 5) Cape Marsala Fish; 6) Sorbet;
7) Coq au vin; 8) Cunard a l'orange; 9) Sarme; 10) Creme Caramel / Cherry Pie;
11) Cheese; 12) Fruit; Coffee / Port.
5 couples: men dressed in black tie and women in gowns.
Specific wines appropriate to each course.
Background: I always wanted to have a 12 course meal and finally in June 1997, the opportunity
presented itself.
Going Solo whilst learning to fly in 1986 whilst at university.