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Orbital Decisions Full Component Pallet

Orbital Decisions DB Combo Box Components v2.1.3

Freeware for Delphi 3, 5, 6 and 7 (including source code).
January 1999 v1.0; February 2001 v1.1.1; June 2002 v2.1.3

Request this component here: Information Request


TODDBComboBox and TODFieldComboBox are data aware combo boxes that act like Delphi's TDBLookupComboBox, but do not attempt to change the value in the current field on a user selecting a value. This makes them usefull for when the user selection is not supposed to be an editing action.

TODDBComboBox populates its dropdown list with unique values for the field specified in its DataField property from the dataset specified in its DataSource property. This list is refreshed when the dataset is opened, posted or deleted from.

TODFieldComboBox populates its dropdown list by executing an embedded query built from the DatabaseName, TableName and FieldName properties.

New Installation

1) unzip the zip file into a new directory.
2) install component units ODDBCbx and ODFldCbx

The components are installed into a new component page called Orbital.

Run the ODCombos.dpr project to see a demonstration of using the components.

The demo versions are restricted to 8 items in the drop down list.

Using this component

See the enclosed project for examples of using these properties and events.

We hope that you and your users enjoy using these components.

Please send feedback to Information Request.

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