Orbital Decisions Preparer Components v2.1.3
Freeware for Delphi 3, Delphi 5 and Delphi 6 (including source code).
March 1999 v1.0; April 1999 v1.1; February 2001 v.1.1.3;
June 2002 v2.1.3
Request this component here : Information Request.
These data-aware components dynamically build field controls on the activation of a dataset and destroy them after the dataset closes.
- TODFieldsPreparer manages TDBEdit controls on a TScrollBox.
- TODBFieldsWindow encapsulates TODFieldsPreparer in a popup window
component and thus does not have a ScrollBox property.
- TODQRPreparer manages TQRDBText and TQRLabel controls in a QuickReport
report for dynamic query or changeable table/field reporting.
New Installation
1) unzip the zip file into a new directory.
2) install component units ODFldPrp, ODFldWdw and ODQRPrep
- Installs TODFieldsPreparer, TODFieldWindow and TODQRPreparer components that can be dropped onto a form.
The components are installed into a new component page called Orbital.
Run the Preparer.dpr project to see a demonstration of using the components.
Using these components
- Attach a TDataSource component to the DataSource property and a TScrollBox control to the ScrollBox property.
- If AutoPrepare is True, on the dataset opening, edit boxes and labels for each visible field in the dataset are created, and destroyed when the dataset closes,
- otherwise call the component's Prepare method to create and Clear method to clear.
- Set the DataSource property to the target dataset.
- Connect the Header.Band property to the QuickReport PageHeader or ColumnHeader band so that the preparer can place column headers (TQRLabel controls).
- Connect the Detail.Band property to the QuickReport Detail band so that the preparer can place column values (TQRDBText controls).
- If AutoPrepare is True, on the dataset opening, the column headers and values will be built, and destroyed when the dataset closes, otherwise explicitly call the Preparer and Clear methods.
- Contact us if you require a version of this component to work with Piparti/ReportWriter or AceReports.
See the enclosed project for examples of using these properties and events.
We hope that you and your users enjoy using these components.
Please send feedback to
Information Request.