InfoQuest® Shareware for Delphi 3 and Delphi 5.
Price $349.95 (source code included in registered version)
No upgrade to Delphi 6 yet.
Request this component here: Information Request
The InfoQuest component suite was developed with the following aims
- A flexible and scaleable multi-component system.
- Interface customisability.
- User-friendly mirroring of database names and SQL terminology for user interface use.
- Full developer control over database use via usage attributes and events.
- Open data storage with comprehensive API for developer manipulation.
- The prevention of exponental query result sets due to inadequately joined tables.
- To cover most of SQL’s functionality and power for when required.
The following special features are available
- Transparent table joining - the required join definitions are automatically included.
- Support for explicit joining, including right side filtering.
- Join bridging - other tables (and joins) are added to form a join link where required.
- Support for sub-queries (multi-level) and unions for advanced users.
- First-level sub-queries can be correlated with the main query.
- Customizable validation and input masks.
- Transparent GROUP BY and HAVING clause creation where required.
- Support for updates, inserts (including copy inserts) and deletes.
- Allows the use of custom interfaces/editors.
- Almost all runtime functionality is available at design-time.
- Design-time container information persistence.
The components fall under the following categories
- Holders of database and SQL information.
- Editor dialogs and experts.
- Display and control windows.
- SQL script repositors.
- Result outputers.
- Praparers.
New Installation
1) unzip the zip file into a new directory.
2) run Setup and follow the instructions
- Installs the InfoQuest modular component suite that can be dropped onto a form and the InfoQuest form setup wizard.
The components are installed into two new component pages called InfoQuest and IQ Dialogs.
Run the variety of demo projects in the demo folder.
The demo versions of the InfoQuest components will only run when Delphi is running and display nag screens.
Using these components
See the supplied help file for comprehensive information.
We hope that you and your users enjoy using this component suite.
Please send feedback to
Information Request.