Orbital Decisions DB Find Menu Component v2.1.3
Freeware for Delphi 3, Delphi 5 and Delphi 6 (including source code).
January 1999 v1.3; April 1999 v1.4; February 2001 v1.4.2;
June 2002 v2.1.3
Request this component here: Information Request
This TPopupMenu derived component provides a quick and easy way of providing a search
facility to your data screens. Connect it to a dataset (or set its AutoSource property to true)
and assign it to the PopupMenu properties of any DB controls that you want to add a find
facility to. That simple!
Because TODFindMenu is derived from TPopupMenu, you can add menu items to it the same
way - the "Find" and "Find Next" items are inserted at the top at runtime.
New Installation
1) unzip the zip file into a new directory.
2) install component unit ODDBFind
- Installs TODFindMenu component that can be dropped onto a form.
The component is installed into a new component page called Orbital.
Run the FindDemo.dpr project to see a demonstration of using the components.
Using this component
- Connect TODFindMenu's DataSet property to the DataSource you want to search in.
- Assign TODFindMenu to the PopupMenu properties of the controls you want to use it with.
- If the control is not a standard Delphi DB control (or not derived from one), you will have to assign the relevant field name to TODFindMenu's DataField property within TODFindMenu's OnPopup event (checking the Sender), otherwise it will automatically obtain the relevant field from the DB control.
See the enclosed project for examples of using these properties and events.
We hope that you and your users enjoy using this component.
Please send feedback to
Information Request.